is committed to protecting the privacy of those using our website. The information that you provide about yourself to will only be used by in accordance with its Privacy Policy and never passed onto a third party.
When you choose to make an order, we collect your details to process your order and to improve our service to you. These details will never be shared with a third party and will be held securely in our database. You can choose to be on our contact list during the ordering process. You can receive our newsletter, news on special offers, seasonal case suggestions and invitations to events and tastings. You also have the option to refuse any marketing material, and to be removed from our contact list, at any time.
Our strict security policy is strengthened by Realex® technology to ensure your payment transactions are secure. When you enter the secure part of the website you will notice a ‘padlock’ symbol appear in the address bar as confirmation. Your transactions will be securely validated. You will be asked to enter your card security number in order to further secure your shopping experience. We do not store your credit card details or make them available to you when you make another order through your account. This is for your security and protection. Please ensure that your account password is known only to you.
If you believe someone else has obtained your password, please contact us so that we can suspend your account. With our privacy policy, we also ensure that your details are securely stored and never shared with a third party.
Design Credits
Our website was designed and function developed to our specific requirements by online retail specialist "WDI"
- View their shopping cart website case study on this project
- Check out their article on Shopping Cart Web Design for information and advice about selling online and running your own eCommerce website.
- If you need a COVID-19 visitor registration and self-assessment form for your business / website they have a free to use service at C19REGISTER.COM